If we can build more effective relationship with our customers and colleagues, we will be far more likely to make a difference within the company.  We must continuous work on our relationships with our customers and colleagues if we are to continue making a difference for them.

Effective and productive relationships with our customers will enhance their experience with our company.  Effective and productive relationships with our colleagues boost moral and productivity within our organization.

We want all of our staff to make a conscious effort to build and nurture our relationships with customers and colleagues in order to enhance our lives.  We must be thoughtful about the way we communicate and listen to them very carefully.

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Relating to Different Styles of People
The differences between people can make relating difficult.  We express ourselves in different ways, therefore, it is more difficult to understand and empathize with our customers and colleagues.

Throughout our organization we will work with and serve many different styles of people.  At times these styles may be different from ours.  To work through these differences effectively, you must be able to recognize and appreciate the customers or colleagues, individual style.

Customers and colleagues will differ in a variety of ways, perspectives and experiences, frames of reference through which they interpret people or circumstances.  They also have different levels of intuitiveness and intellectual skills.  They differ emotionally and in their expressiveness.  They also will differ in their levels of comfort.

Customers and colleagues have different needs and expectations regarding relationships, so it becomes more difficult to find mutually satisfying outcomes. 

Understanding and accepting the difference between people is the key to building effective relationships.  These differences are particularly valuable and worth working through because they enable us to increase our opportunity to grow by allowing us to see people and situations from various perspectives.

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The Principle to Successful Relationships
In order for us to improve our relationships with our customers and colleagues, we must understand the principle underlying all successful relationships.  Extremely successful relationships you have now or you know of, either personal or professional, started with trust.  Trust earned over time.

Honesty and integrity create the foundation of trust, which is essential in building any kind of relationship, business or personal.  Without trust we would not have long-term personal and interpersonal growth.

The company’s meaning of interpersonal growth is learning to work together to achieve a common goal.

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